Which referral sources do I focus on to get the most referrals?
Which referral sources do I focus on to get the most referrals?
This is a GREAT question. The way you are going to get more referrals is to focus on those who are WILLING and ABLE to refer to you! Are they WORTHLY of your time?
Read that again. Is THIS account WORTHY of your time?
Most representatives are often subservient to their referral sources. We challenge that paradigm at Home Care Sales.
The owners and representatives we coach and work with KNOW their VALUE! They have significant knowledge in the senior care space through experience and our programs. They ARE the post-acute care experts.
This means they are not “begging” for referrals. They are TRUE care partners with their referral sources and, therefore, MUST prioritize who they spend their time with so that they can make the MOST IMPACT in their communities! When you have the knowledge and the experience, YOU become a resource to your referral sources, helping them get care to the seniors who deserve it! Your care!
Back to the question – which referral sources do I focus on?
1. The highly qualified accounts first!
Remember Step 1 of the High-Performance Sales Process? (If not read up on it in our FREE E-book, click here OR discover the whole sales process here in our High-Performance Sales Academy)
These are “A” accounts – that are currently referring to you and have the potential to refer MORE!
These are the accounts that you HAVE to defend and protect!
2. Prospects who have qualified and refer between sometimes and your “A” accounts – We call them “B” accounts.
When I am coaching, I tell the reps that if they gave you “1,” they have two or more! They just don’t know how to use you. They don’t know the breadth and depth of what you can do for their patients or residents.
These are PERFECT accounts to use the RoadMap to Referrals system. (Do you have the FREE marketing planner yet? If not, get your copy here! It’sIt’s the EXACT calendar we use with our coaching clients) The Roadmap to Referrals ™ system foundation is the Diagnosis Based Selling ™ method.
This method expands the referral sources mindset into which diagnoses you could care for and how you would care for them. Most clinicians – myself included were not taught about home care, home health, or hospice in college, and if your mentor didn’t use these post-acute care services, then you didn’t learn about it in your clinical practice either! You know this to be true.
How often has a client or patient’s family said, “OMG, I WISH we would have known about you SOONER!” The power of selling by Diagnosis is that you reach into the current caseload of your referral sources and pluck out the EXACT high-value referral type that YOU want for your agency.
3. What about those “onesies,” twosies” referral sources? …Or Referral sources that you KNOW have patients or residents to refer but “Just don’t get it.”
In the past, we would have had to be ruthless with our time, and these folks just would have been at the bottom of our list, and we would not have been able to call on them much. But COVID taught us a VERY valuable lesson!
All those accounts you could not justify getting in your car and going across town – NOW you don’t have to! You can simply use remote marketing tactics – phone and digital have changed Home Care Marketing FOREVER!
During COVID, we honed our copyrighting and messaging skills so that the same weekly message we deliver in person in the roadmap to referrals, we have created email, voicemail, and pdfs of our unique selling point for that week!
We can reach so many more referral sources with our message!
This is the BEST time to market Home Health, Hospice, and In-Home Care!
We can change lives together!
Make a bigger impact and income by serving more seniors!
Here are three ways we can work together when you are ready:
1. Download our free app! HomeCareSales app
This app has free and paid courses in it – explore!
2. RoadMap to Referrals ™ – this is your map for the exact words to say and get those referrals!
Want to see it in action – click here to get on Mike’s calendar for a tour
3.Coaching for Owners/ Managers or Representatives!
With over 25 yrs out in the field, Melanie and Cheryl have the experience for executive coaching for you or your reps to take it to the next level!
Keep serving Seniors!
Together We Grow!