Tiny Tim the Turtle now lives at our house. How he was saved from the pool and what this has to do with Home Care Marketing
Last week my 7-year-old son – Don, came running into the house and announced. “I need a cup,” and opened the cupboard.
He grabbed a cup slammed the door so hard it bounced back open before I could even yell, “DON’T SLAM THE DOOR” he was gone.
2 mins later, Don gallops back into the kitchen and dumps the water into the sink with his hand over the edge. “MOM” he yelled, “I SAVED A TURTLE.”
We live in south Alabama on the water, so not too surprising; however, I wanted to make sure that a snapping turtle didn’t make a mistake and find his way into the pool.
Nope, this was a TINY TURTLE who somehow made his way into the pool. Don decided he would raise the turtle and began to research “what turtles eat” “how to care for a turtle” on his tablet.

Don went to the garage and found the old beach hermit crab container, filled it with dirt and grass, and got a small bowl filled with water. In a matter of an evening, Don became a “turtle whisperer” – well, maybe not a whisperer but had gained enough knowledge to keep the turtle alive!
Don is also SUPER lucky because his 2nd-grade teacher is not only an AMAZING teacher, but her daughter is at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, and Don was allowed to take the turtle to class.
Mrs. Rivenbark took a picture and sent it to her daughter. What Don and I thought was a box turtle turned out to be a semi-aquatic turtle! Super FUN! Don LOVES this turtle, and now we are planning his release back into the wild!
What does this have to do with Marketing?
Be a “student” of Home Care, Home Health, and Hospice Marketing! (just like Don became a student of turtles)
When you are a student, absorb and learn ALL you can about the service line! (Like Don learned what to feed Tiny Tim)
Understand the mechanics of a marketing call to set the foundation (like Don had to build an environment for Timmy)
An industry expert can share with you “insiders information” that you would not have known otherwise (like our expert at the Sea Turtle Center)
Tiny Tim’s Marketing To-Do List:
Be a student of the industry.
Research, practice,
BE a resource!
Discover the mechanics of a marketing call – there are precise steps to take to make sure you don’t miss an opportunity!
Enlist the help of experts who help you avoid mistakes and get to more referrals faster and easier!
Cheryl and I LOVE helping agencies just like yours! Compress Time – get the insider’s advantage!
Will you let us help you?
Together We Grow!
P.S. Tiny Tim is super fun to watch – Did you ever have a pet turtle?