Money, calculator and paper

Who has the money problem… your clients or YOU?

August 14, 202122 min read

Home Care Marketers report their #1 objection is, “My referral sources or prospects tell me they can’t afford my Home Care Services.”

Here’s the deal. That is not the “real” issue!

The REAL issue is how the Home Care Marketer feels about money and value and their own mindset.

They have a scarcity mindset.

Haven’t we all pulled up to the house and made an “assumption” based on how the house looked that the potential client “can’t afford our services”?

…Only to walk out with a signed agreement for more hours than what we thought?

The Marketers make (false) assumptions about what someone is willing or able to pay for value based on their own limiting beliefs.

The prospect feels this “energy”, and it becomes a self-fulling prophecy. The next thing you know… no signed agreement.

“See, I knew they couldn’t afford it!”

Let’s talk value.

Do you believe that you provide a valuable service?

Of course, you do! If you do not – then change jobs. You have too much integrity.

I am not kidding. If you do not think your agency’s services are worth it – move on.

The rest of you who are continuing to read believe in your services.

They are worth it.

The value the services bring to your clients goes well beyond the dollars you receive.

We speak all the time about consultative selling. You are the Senior Care Expert!

When you identify a problem, share solutions that are part of the process! Price is the last thing on your mind.

I had a mentor who once told me, “Recommend what they need – not what you think they will pay.” It is the best advice I have received. It allows me to paint a picture of our services’ results to the client or their family.

Time to delete from your self conversations

#1. They can’t afford it.

#2. I am sure they will just want 4 hrs.

#3. They have already met with the XYZ agency. I know their price is lower, so I am not going to get this case.

EVERY interaction you have has the potential to lead you to the next case.

You need to connect with the prospect.

Uncover their wants, needs, and desires through great open-ended questions as we teach you.

And be the consultant. Recommend what they need to achieve those desires.

My grandmother – Grandma Pete – was on Medicaid. On paper, you would not think she could afford services. But when you asked the right questions. Her late husband was a veteran. Her three children were willing to pitch in and help. She received services. Most marketers would have stopped at the VA, but the real decision maker was my Mom, and she had influence over her brothers, who pitched in funds.

You know your Mom always said you don’t “Assume.”

A fellow sales trainer Mike Weinberg says,

“When there is a perceived desire and need, and there is perceived value in filling that need, and they can see it in their mind’s eye, there is always enough money IF you are talking to the right person.”

Write this on your whiteboard, or print it out and frame it!

BELIEVE the VALUE you CREATE through your services!

Keep Serving Seniors!


Together We Grow!



PS: If you are struggling with the price objection struggle no more! We got you covered in the High Performance Sales Academy. Click here to get instant access 

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