
Insights: My rep hasn’t brought in any referrals for two months. What should I do?

September 03, 20223 min read

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Video Transcript:

You know I love getting this question because a lot of times this is when we really have to analyze what’s happening with our sales reps.

And I want to share with you, when a rep hasn’t brought in those referrals you’re not the only one, as an owner,

who or as a sales manager, who was feeling the pinch trust me the person themselves are also usually panicked about not delivering their numbers.

And the first thing that you got to do is check to see what are they saying, because obviously their sales message, whatever words they are using,

they are not really doing the job right, and so we have to always remember there’s usually four things that make a big difference with your sales rep success.

One is that they have to make sure that they are communicating with the mind of their prospecting accounts

needs being in their mind right.

Meaning if I know that a doctor is concerned about patients that have CHF not going back to the hospital,

I’ve got to be able to get there, and have a conversation with him about that right. So I very quickly, I have to realize what’s important to the prospecting account.

And if it’s that the CHF patients have a high risk for hospitalization I’m going to want to focus my conversation on what’s important to them.

How do you get to that is by asking the right questions right what is top of mind for you right now.

What’s important, what’s happening for you, what are the metrics that you guys are following every month or every year, what are you working towards this year, as far as metrics that are being observed from maybe at the hospital systems.

Those are conversations that are going to help you identify what’s important to your prospect.

You’ve got to think of it this way, your sales person has to be able to answer questions that are in your prospects mind already, and the only way that you’re going to uncover them is by asking great questions.

And we can’t just think that we know what they need and just say well home health is great, in home care is great, hospice is free, so give us a patient.

It’s really that we’ve got to understand

what they need for their patients and the only way to do that is by asking these questions.

So find out what is your salesperson saying, look at their schedule, where they traveling, are they seeing people with enough frequency, and are they asking?

The best way to do this is to role play.

If your salesperson does not have a high performing sales academy you absolutely got to get it for them, because it’s going to help them learn that language of love.

To be able to tap the person in the brain, to get them to actually give you a referral.

And most importantly, if they don’t have the roadmap to referrals you better check it out, I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t tell you how this can change your results.

Because it takes away the guess of what your salespeople have to say every week, and it gives them a valid business reason to see an account and the right way to ask for a patient using a vignette. So check those products out if you haven’t gotten them yet.


You know managing a marketer or liaison can be hard. In the midst of staffing issues and an extremely competitive market, some owners don’t have time to provide the direction that their sales team needs. We want to help. Contact Mike Masciccio (info below) or hop on his calendar to discuss getting you the tools your need or having Home Care Sales coach and manage your team for you.

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