Two gentlemen

If not now when?

July 03, 20213 min read

It’s the first week of July!  

That means half of the year has come and GONE! 

I don’t know about you, but this year has zipped by! I don’t know If it is the rush after the COVID year or what it is, but this year has gone by FAST! 

How are you doing? 

Are you achieving your goals? 

July 1 also means Quarterly Business Review! And Q3 Quarterly Game Plan 

This is my FAVORITE time when managing marketing reps! It’s so fun to review accounts quarter over quarter and year over year! 

See the progress or decline (oops, yes, sometimes we identify that an account has fallen behind! – But the key is we KNOW) and then create an action plan for each targeted account! 

I know many of you don’t like to take the time to SLOW DOWN and do a plan! I didn’t want to either when I was a rep, but I felt SO GOOD after I did it! I will share what I have learned over these last 20+ years managing Home Health, Hospice, and In-Home Care Sales reps. 


  1.  Value – Knowing the value of your accounts. This sounds so simple. AND IT IS!  Know your “A” accounts, and make sure your ops team does too! 


  1.  Increase or Decrease – Knowing if your accounts are up or down. Most reps I know don’t want to think about if an account is “down,” so they don’t look.  This is a little bit like credit card debt. You don’t know how to create a plan to get out of debt if you don’t know how much you owe. Similarly, if an account is “down,” then you need to know by “How much” so that you can create a plan to get it back – or identify a “new account” to make up the difference! 


  1. Account types – Every agency and rep I work with has their “sweet” spot – Als, TCUs, Dr’s offices, Clinics, Hospitals, the list goes on and on. The key is to know it, leverage it and then diversify!   


  1.  Goals – what are your goals for the quarter, by account. You will not know if you achieved the goal if you don’t make one! 


  1.  Strategy – What activities are you going to do this quarter by account? You can apply the same strategy at the foundational level – Focusing on their top dx as reported by market insights. But how you apply it- that is different at every account! 


QBRs are the highlight of my quarter! 

I love to hear a rep who understands their territory and knows what they want; they just need a little help on how to apply some of these strategies! Or maybe they need new strategies that are working for others! 

Most owners have their hands full with running a business and overcoming staffing challenges; they don’t have much time for their marketers. 

If you are an owner who is looking for us to be on your team 

We got your back! 

The HCS Sales Management program gives you professional sales management at a fraction of the cost. 

Curious and want to learn more? 

Grab a time that is convenient for you on Mike’s calendar to start the conversation! 

Together We Grow!


PS: There are still openings available for Sales Management, where you can have Home Care Sales Manage your sales team. Reserve a consultation to discuss if this is the right fit for you. Click here to reserve your spot.

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