Four Strategies to Win Hospital Patients Referrals

Four Strategies to Win Hospital Patients Referrals

Published on: 02/09/2022

Friends, for the last 29 years I have been working in post-acute care. For the last 9 years, I have worked in helping post-acute care providers such as home care, home health, and hospice organizations grow their census.

Patient ReferralsAll Categorieshome care referralsSales ManagementReferral
Five Tips to Growing Your Patient Census (That You Need To Learn Now!)

Five Tips to Growing Your Patient Census (That You Need To Learn Now!)

Published on: 08/25/2021

One of the biggest challenges your organization faces is in getting enough referrals for the company to remain profitable. Many times, organizations think they can get enough business from just websites and word of mouth and I will tell you, these are the ones that typically don’t succeed.

Patient ReferralsAll CategoriesSales Management
Are you open-minded enough to hear this advice for gaining more patients/clients?

Are you open-minded enough to hear this advice for gaining more patients/clients?

Published on: 08/24/2019

I was recently on a coaching call with an owner and his team. One of his team members is a senior rep who believes he knows everything there is to know about their service line. When I question him about his message…well, I’ll just come out and say it. His message is tired. He asks the same questions and shares the same information. The challenge: HE thinks he is “good,” and his owner THINKS he is doing “good” because his numbers are “good.”

Patient ReferralsAll CategoriesSales Management